Sadie – A child inhabitant of Sanctuary. Sadie and her friends get involved in Genna Tosetti’s plan to escape the island. (See also Sanctuary)
Sanctuary - A village of shipwreck and marooning survivors, hidden on an island in the Allodapic Ocean, far south of Nua Verden and northeast of the Shadow Isles. The inhabitants have recently constructed an aqueduct to supply their village with water.
Scorchling – A type of Breaker that controls fire.
Sea Keeper – A guardian of Tranthaea with the Talent to control water. Recent Sea Keepers have been Kaia and Jera. (See also Keepers)
The Sea of Nalani – The northern ocean that borders Tranthaea. It is known for its white beaches and endless horizon.
Seasons – There are three seasons to a Tranthaean year: Tallos, Nanora, and Faen. Each Tranthaean year is equal to roughly 22 Earth-months. The Daevyn use a 12 month year, based on Earth calendars. (See also Faen, Nanora, and Tallos)
Seed Keeper – A guardian of Tranthaea with the Talent to control vegetation. Recent Seed Keepers have been Zahra and Rata. (See also Keepers)
Sengforren – A southern city built of in the treetops of the Korrahl Forest. It is the stronghold of the Lord Dauld. (See also Dauld)
Severant – A low rank in the Valang military, similar to a Sergeant. One can hold the rank of Severant First, Second, or Third Order.
Shea – A pirate who sails under the flag of Captain Renārs Valdis, captain of the Carrion Ghost.
Shockstaff – A Daevyn weapon for close combat consisting of two metal tubes that can snap together in the centre to form a quarterstaff. At the bottom end of each is inserted a charged canister, like those used in a Firedart. The ends are wrapped with a rounded metal cap that is charged and can release high or low voltage depending on how the centre handle is twisted. Once a warrior has been trained in its use, the shockstaffs are etched with personal designs.
Shorm – An Aru Faylen Elder tasked with rooting out rebellious elements within the Aru Faylen leadership.
Short-Spear – A Daevyn hunting weapon favoured by the colonists of the far southern forests. A sharpened stick of hardwood, it is etched with designs and carved with grooves to fit the hunter's hands.
Shyx – An elderly Arulion female, Shyx is a Master Weaver who lives in Barricade.
Sibyx – A proud, intelligent Aru Elen with periwinkle scales. She is well-respected by her kind, and considered one of the most beautiful Aru Elen. Sibyx is descended from a line of Aru Elen royalty, when there was such a thing. The title she holds is "Avia." She wishes that her position meant something again. (See also Avia) |
Sidebow – A weapon of Nua Verden. Similar to a small crossbow, except the bow is vertically placed on the left of the trigger grip. Many sidebows have specialised holsters that attach to the user's thigh. In this holster, the user can slide the sidebow down, loading a bolt from a bandolier strapped around their thigh, and drawing back the bowstring. Then the weapon is ready to fire when drawn. Reloading is done the same way.
Siobhan – A member of Cassia's gang, the Pick-Pirates.
Sky Keeper – A guardian of Tranthaea with the Talent to control the air. Recent Sky Keepers have been Avira and Alkira. (See also Keepers)
The Skywall Marshes – A strip of marshland that divides the Plains of the Daevyn from the Painted Desert to the west.
Sloom – An Aru Faylen Elder. She is highly respected as a negotiator.
Soil Keeper – A guardian of Tranthaea with the Talent to control stone and dirt. Recent Soil Keepers have been Adra and Ila. (See also Keepers)
Spark Keeper – A guardian of Tranthaea with the Talent to control fire. Recent Spark Keepers have been Payta, Ydama, and Kala. (See also Keepers)
The Stained Waste – (See The Painted Desert)
Stefan – A bully from Marc's school in France in 2014.
Stimae – A flying creature that nests in the peaks and plateaus of the Mountains of Du Garrah. Stimae look like furry logs of wood but when launched into the air they can extend hard wings and glide smoothly through the sky, sucking in and jetting out air to give them a push if they need it.
Sweeter Things – A sailor’s lullaby. Sung to Kellyn by his mother and Genna by Samira. (Listen now)
Swom – An alcoholic drink derived from the grasses of the Plains, favoured by the Daevyn. Served warm.