Madrian – The Madrian are an ancient species of Tranthaea, who have ruled it for thousands of years. Most of the names and places are in the Madrian language, which is low, rumbly, a mixture of growls and thuds from deep within the throat. As a species, the Madrian are uniformly tall, averaging about 10 feet high. Their bodies are covered in a loose, auburn hair and they have long, flat faces, into which are set rich, dark eyes over a muzzle with two long fangs protruding over the lips. They have four arms, air sacs on their shoulders which inflate when they are angry or feel threatened, tufted ears and eyebrows, and wings of purple feathers that stretch in a 9 metre wingspan. The last two surviving Madrian are Dauld and Tosh, the Dyadem, who rule Tranthaea during the arrival of Gabriel Sorensen. (See also Dauld, Dyadem, Tosh)
Magnus – An inhabitant of Sanctuary. (See also Sanctuary)
Malik – A member of Cassia's gang, the Pick-Pirates.
Maq – See Tulimaq Johnson.
Marchon – An animal with four pointed legs,a long, pointed beak, and a brightly coloured collar below two sets of vibrating gills. The sound from the gills is redirected by the collar, confusing potential prey as to the marchon's location. Being attacked by a marchon is like having six spears thrown at you all at the same time. Marchon usually reside deep in the southern forests of Tranthaea.
Marques – The currency of Nua Verden, marques come in copper, silver, and gold coins and are minted by House Galvan.
Marshal Hinata – The leader of the Pick-Pirates before Cassia took over.
Martius Tosetti – Lord Regent of Nua Verden and father of Genevieve Tosetti.
Mary Sorensen – Gabriel Sorensen's grandmother. She suffers from schizophrenia and passed on an upbringing of paranoia to Gabriel.
Mary Swift – Wife of Callum Swift and mother of Aiden Swift.
Ma Tiine – Translated from Madrian, it means "The Third."
Matlips – An underwater creatures that lives in the shallows of the Allodapic Ocean. Covered in a thin fur that can stiffen to spikes when threatened.
Matteo – A child inhabitant of Sanctuary. Matteo and his friends get involved in Genna Tosetti’s plan to escape the island. (See also Sanctuary)
Medallions – Two amulets worn by the Dyadem and used to rule Tranthaea. (See also Caradul and Peladar)
Medico – A medical specialist; a doctor.
The Memories of Huon Arrahl – A book written by Daevyn scholar Yrving Kindleflash.
Mercalo – An alcoholic drink popular among the gru'Esh.
Minciter – A representative of the local Valang Conclave. (See also Conclave)
mi’Orha – Clan Leader of the je’Esh, third tribe of the gru’Esh. mi'Orha is sire to q'Orha and grandsire to ti'Orha.
Molghin – A small creature, seen as vermin by many who live in costal areas of Nua Verden. Its short, thin legs end in soft, round pads like a percussionist’s baton, allowing it to creep across hard surfaces virtually undetected. An herbivore, it is not dangerous but is a nuisance and can destroy food stores if not caught in time.
The Mountains of Du Garrah – A long mountain range of sleek, black cliffs that make up the eastern border of the Plains. Above the mountains lies Bellua, the cloud city of the Arulion, and on one of the peaks sits the palatial home of Kala, Spark Keeper of Tranthaea. The mountains are home to vast reservoirs of water.
Mugnar – An elderly Valang Excoriator.
Mutalor – One of the four Great Powers, a Mutalor is one who can change their appearance and voice at will; a shape-shifter. It is a rare gift.
Mylus – An Aru Elen slave working in the mines of Du Garrah. He leads a revolt against the Aru Faylen Masters.